
President’s Message

With a continuous desire to provide quality education to the society, the Aditya Educational Trust has established Bangalore Technological Institute, an institution to nourish and produce the best of engineering talents in the country. Our college is one of the most eminent higher education institutions today and it is known for the standards of its facilities. We have a team of qualified and experienced faculty members, who constantly push the frontiers of knowledge and ensure a futuristic approach that keeps pace with the changing trends in the professional world. Also, the academic galaxy is headed by an enthusiastic and dynamic Principal Dr. H S Nanda is a seasoned academician from IIT, Mumbai with over three decades of administrative experience in reputed institutions.

Our main commitment is to explore the true potential of our students and equip them for the future, by facilitating them with the necessary skills, knowledge and values.

I consider this as a great opportunity, privilege and an honor to lead such a progressive educational establishment.

Dr. A Prabhakara Reddy


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